ArkAngel Dance & Theatre
Dancing Along River Niger
Dancing Le Voyage
Flying Canoe
Japanese Dance Traditions
L2D or D2L?
Mexican Fiesta Dances
St. Nick Was a Real Person
Through Irish Eyes & Feet
Voyageur Songs & Dances
Yoga Quotient
Yoga: Sustainable Practice
Born 2 Move Payment

"Flying Canoe"

“Flying Canoe” is a dance interpreting a French-Canadian legend called “La Chasse Gallerie”, which combines elements of early colonial life with Native American stories of a magical canoe that flies through the air. The dance depicts the fortitude and “Joi de vivre” that were mainstays of daily frontier existence (and mythical goings-on) in and around the Great Lakes and waterways of the North American continent during the 17th and 18th centuries.


View video of the premiere performance at Winona State University, Winona, MN, in Feb. 2011.

Choreography by Marc Kotz, Music by Jeremiah McClane, Danced by WSU Students & Marc Kotz

  920 362-3451